Spring Security - Getting Started

Created: 2020-06-01 | 9 min

Getting started with Spring Security by doing a simple example to understand the basics.


#Create project

Go to https://start.spring.io/ and add the following dependencies:

Click on the GENERATE button. A zip file should be downloaded. Unzip it and we are ready to start.

#Run the application

cd to the project directory, and execute the following:

$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run

Logs should look like:

  1. Spring Security provides you a default password (for a default user) out of the box just by adding the Spring Security dependency. In the above screenshot, the password is c916dd57-3b15-49e8-906e-163c7aadf1b5 for the user user.
  2. The filter chain created for your requests. There are 15 filters in the chain added for you and in the order they are printed in the logs within the array. If you open a text editor and put all them in one line each, you should see something like:

Each of these have a purpose, and they make the whole flow of the security layer possible. Remember, they are filters chained that will take actions in that order whenever a new request comes.

  1. The port that your application is running. In this case, it's in 8080.

#Open the application

Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser, a login page should be displayed:

By default and by just adding the Spring Security dependency to the project, it generates a login page that sends the credentials to a generated endpoint /login that is in charge of verify whether the username and password are valid for the application and give access to the protected resources.

Let's enter the credentials printed in logs into the form and click on the Sign in button (or just press enter).

An error page is displayed:

This is expected. In order to understand what happened, let's go to the Network Tab in the Dev Tools.

  1. The credentials were sent to the endpoint login. Spring Security created that for us for free and the request will be processed by the filter chain we saw in the logs earlier.
  2. Information are sent from the pre-generated form. Notice the keys are already pre-defined username, password and a third one _csrf, which is meant to tackle the CSRF vulnerabilities. All them will be interpreted by the login endpoint.

So, why we get an error page if I utilized the correct credentials? Let's see the second record in the Network Tab.

  1. The resource that was asked was: http://localhost:8080/. Think of it as it requested the / resource from http://localhost:8080.
  2. 404 (not found). It means, the resource / doesn't exist.
  3. The referer or who had initiated that request was http://localhost:8080/login which is the location where the credentials were sent through the form.

The error message refers to a resource that was not found. And that is because Spring Security only provides us the security stuff for the resources we want to protect. But, as we didn't touch anything in the codebase, actually we didn't even open the project in the IDE, then there is nothing to protect (yet) and the resource / (I suspect) is the default path right after a successful login is attempted.

One more thing to notice, in Application Tab there in the Dev Tools, there is a new Cookie created under the name JSESSION.

That is what keeps the already-logged-in user in session in the Spring Security context.

Finally, there are still more particulars working behind the scenes, in the following link there is a list what is happening to Spring Boot once the Spring Security dependency is included into the project.

Link: https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/5.3.2.RELEASE/reference/html5/#servlet-hello-auto-configuration

A lot of things have happened by just adding the Spring Security dependency into the project. I didn't write any single line of code to get all the above stuff with Spring Security out of the box.

Now, let's go to the codebase and some documentation to understand where all these came from.

#The content of the project

The above is all what the project has. Actually, in https://start.spring.io/ , there is a button EXPLORE that you can see the content of the zip before downloading it. Well, as I didn't touch a thing, that project tree should be exactly the same as I downloaded (except for the auto-generated stuff of my IDE).

There are 3 key files that I'd like to mention so far:

  1. SpringSecurity01Application is the class that initiates the application. In fact, this is not a Spring Security thing but from Spring Boot.
  2. mvnw, this is the script that we utilized to run our application with the command ./mvnw spring-boot:run. This is only one way to start the application, you can also run this by executing the generated jar after packaging the component with maven, maybe other techniques. For now, I'll keep continue using this method.
  3. pom.xml registered two important dependencies:

The most relevant one is spring-boot-starter-security, which is giving us all the security features that we saw so far in this example. The other one spring-boot-starter-web is will enable the RESTful endpoints that are utilized in this example.

From here, there are a lot of features to incorporate into the project, and there are several ways to do the same thing. For now I'll do a simple exercise that will allow me to explain couple of more things.

#Securing a REST API

I'll write a very simple REST API that will just return a string value and have Spring Security protecting the endpoint.

#Create the Controller Class

Let's create two endpoints. One protected and one public.

// ./Controller.java
package com.ckinan;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class Controller {

    public String protectedResource() {
        return "The Protected Resource";

    public String publicResource() {
        return "The Public Resource";


In this controller, there is no evidence of security for any of these endpoints. The controller doesn't even know they will be protected. They could, but we will have that in a separate class. For now, it's important to know the following:

#Create the Security Configuration Class

All the configuration will live in a separate class in this step.

// ./SecurityConfiguration.java
package com.ckinan;

import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.EnableWebSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter;

public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                    .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/protected-resource").authenticated()
                    .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/public-resource").permitAll();


In this configuration class we define the security features we want to add to our endpoints. Let's see some key points:

#Run the application

Let's run the mvnw script once again and test the two endpoints in the browser to see how they behave with the given configuration.

$ ./mvnw spring-boot:run
# Note: The autogenerated password changes every time you run this command. This time I got:
Using generated security password: 5e57b493-6181-4682-bc21-81ec40222298

Try to open the public endpoint: http://localhost:8080/public-resource

The public resource doesn't require any authentication process, which is expected since we are telling Spring Security to allow ALL requests to access it with this matcher: .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/public-resource").permitAll().

Now let's try with the protected endpoint: http://localhost:8080/protected-resource

This time, right after we hit the URL in the browser, a login page is displayed. The login page was intentionally configured by giving the formLogin() to the http variable within the configure(...) method in our SecurityConfiguration class.

Now lets use the username by default and the password printed in the logs when we started the application.

By entering the correct credentials, the application will allow the user to access the protected resource. If we give incorrect credential, then the login page will let us know, like so:

#Final thoughs

There are a lot of security concepts that I still need to study. Somewhat during this process of learning Spring Security I am exposed to understand some of those security definitions to apply the configurations accordingly.

I first tried to read all the official docs at once from Spring Security, but it was quite overwhelming, and I then preferred to create a project, and do things that later forced me to investigate more specific topics by the time I was facing some issues with the setup.

For now, I feel I learned few concepts that will allow me to expand later, perhaps in future articles.
